Thursday, 17 December 2015

Winter Red Velvet Fudge

Winter Red Velvet Fudge
December 17 2015

It's almost CHRISTMAS!!!!! yayyyy :) I love christmas, This is when I start to bring out all the red and green desserts. I found a recipe on pinterest for Winter Red Velvet fudge. This recipe in my opinion would also work for Valentines day.

Props to the one who created this recipe. There is a lot of steps and there is even two ways to make it, stove top and microwave.

I got the recipe from This Website.

I started doing the microwave version, but then I realized, I didn't have enough microwavable bowls, oops. So I switched over to the stove top version.

Also the recipe calls for half and half. The writer says that evaporated milk works just as good so that's what i did.

Adding red food colouring to dark chocolate chips. I would suggest using a bigger bowl on account of the fact you'll be adding to this and you will need to stir it.

This is where I decided to switch over to stove top. So there we have butter, evaporated milk and sugar. So glad my stove has a round that has like "power boiling", because you have to constantly stir this mixture, even for 4 minutes after it starts to boil.

This is what the boiled mixture looked like for me.

And this is what Trigger looks like when I drop something between my counter and stove....

 Now you add in the white chocolate chips and marshmallow fluff, which by the way is a genius, yummy, great invention! and you stir until it is all incorporated.

Then, this is where the bigger bowl comes in handy, you add half the white chocolate chip mixture to the dark chocolate chip mixture. Stirring them together is suppose melt the chocolate chips and incorporate it all into a smooth red mixture....

ummm... not very smooth.... this is where something went terribly wrong, But I continued anyways. I tried a chunk and it still tasted fine..

So it didn't swirl....

It looks horrible....

Still tasted pretty good....

In the freezer it goes.....

It didn't as pretty as on the website, but it still tasted like some really good chocolate fudge...

I wouldn't wrap it and give it away, but I'd eat it. Maybe share with my family.... maybe....

Just a note: In the end it tasted fine but my chocolate didn't incorporate very well. Next time I make it, I'll double the white chocolate batch and divide it in half and add red food colouring to one half and then swirl them together.

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