Sunday, 3 January 2016

Bath Bombs

How was everyone's New Years?  Mine was pretty good, just me and my boys and some NCIS Los Angeles :) My dads birthday was new years eve, and my little sister's was new years day, So we spent new years in our hometown.

Tomorrow is my Andy's Birthday as well. They are all bunched up in the same week, crazy eh. So tomorrow ill post his cake pictures.

But today I wanna show you the bath bombs that I found from this site.

They turned out amazing.

So I started to add all my dry ingredients together. Do you see this huge bag of corn starch? Well I finally have a reason to open and use it.

Then you add in the oil and essential oils. I don't have essential oils, So of course I improvised. I used some perfume of mine. Not a lot because of course the smell would be crazy strong. Just enough for it to add a little fragrance. 
i chose to make mine look blue, like the ocean water. What's more relaxing than sunbathing on the beach and listening to the ocean water around you?

Then mix 'er all up :) Next, since I don't have any bath molds I just used small cupcake pan. Also I usually have a hard time take stuff out of these pans I put small strips of aluminum foil across them so that when they finished I would just have to pull one side and POP! goes the weasel....

Then pack  'er in there, nice and tight. Before you let it sit over night, Check out the water effect on it... it bubbles, sweet :)
 the next day pull them out and hopefully they keep their shape like mine did :) I'm very proud :)
In fact I might make a bunch of these for the next craft show. Smooth them out a little but make different colours, get actual essential oils... and I bet they sell nicely :)


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